Sancta Maria College - Level 1 Digital Technologies

Welcome to the Sancta Maria College introduction to NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies!

What internals will take place throughout the year?

The 'Course Outline' page gives a brief overview to what will take place between Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 & Term 4.

The first internal to take place will be the 'Word & Access' internal.
• This internal is based around the software known as 'Microsoft Word' and 'Access'. During this internal you will be creating a spreadsheet for a company called 'Gig Arrange'.
• The Achievement Standard can be read about here: 91071

The second internal to take place will be the 'School Website' internal and will occur between Term 2 & 3.
• This internal is based around the programming of a website. During this internal you will also be doing written work with evidence of testing, creating a website based on a chosen subject at school and much more.
• The Achievement Standard can be read about here: 91073

The third internal to take place will be the 'Number Smart' internal during Term 3.
• During this internal you will be designing and creating a game that is to be aimed at children between the ages of 5-7 years of age.
• The Achievement Standard can be read about here: 91075 & 91076